Fading Portraits (Didan va boodan)

Sunday, 1.12.2019, 16:00
Filmforum at Museum Ludwig

Documentary, IR 2019, 55 min.
Director: Ali Shilandari, Farhad Mohammadi

“The camera is my weapon,” says Maryam Zandi, one of the most prominent Iranian photographers. Her photographs of the 1979 revolution are authentic testimonies to the times. With professional distance and no propagandistic message, the 32-year-old captured the atmosphere on the streets, the joy and hope of the people. For decades, however, many of these photographic works remained under lock and key or were only accessible to a limited extent. Filmmaker Ali Shilandari accompanies Zandi in her exhausting attempt to publish an album of her revolutionary photographs in an uncensored version and to assert her rights as an artist.

Maryam Zandi will then present some of her photos and their history!


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Ali Shilandari (*1967 in Kermanshah)
Before his debut “Fading Portraits” he worked as a cameraman for “Cypher and Lion”, “Jenayateh Movajah” and other short films. He is a founding member of the Isfahan Society of Photographers.